
10 Best Pest Control Tips To Keep Pests Away From Your Home & Office

Read on the top 10 tips and tricks for pest control to save your home and office from insects

1. Keep the kitchen clean

Pests thrive in a humid and dirty atmosphere. To prevent pest infestation, keep kitchen tables, shelves, stove and drawers clean. Clean them regularly with a disinfectant. If food particles are exposed to the outdoors, they will attract more insects. This pest tip may not completely eliminate the problem of pest infestation, but it will certainly reduce the number of pests in your home. Cleaning after pest control is also very important to ensure that your home does not become infected soon.

2. Dispose of waste regularly

We often wonder how to clean the kitchen after pest control, but it is quite simple and waste disposal is critical. Ideally, waste should be disposed of every day. Accumulation of litter can lead to attacks on mice, rodents, and cockroaches. This gets worse when you find rotten food particles all over the house. This can lead to the spread of disease, especially if you have pets and small children at home.

3. Keep the bathroom clean

Most pest control tips do not include pest control tips and tricks in the bathrooms. But the above rule also applies to bathrooms. Keep your bathrooms clean and dry. Clean the pan every other day using a bathroom cleaner. Wash the sink at least once a week with a powerful bathroom cleaner. Keep your curtain dry and free of the moss. Make sure the drain is not clogged with soap and hair particles and is always covered. These small measures will keep the toilet hygienic and pest free for longer.

4. Do not let the water stand

Pests such as mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Clean the area around your home and be sure to clean drains outside your home as stagnant dirty water in drains can cause mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria. Keep buckets in the bathroom dry when not in use. The same goes for kitchen appliances. If you have an air conditioner that removes water, do not hold a boat under it to collect water. 

Look for alternatives such as a pipe to transport water as soon as you get there. Or empty and clean the container every day. Make sure there is absolutely no stagnant water anywhere near or in your home. If you’re wondering how to do pest control yourself, you can follow some lightweight home remedies to get rid of these pests.

5. Do not keep fruits and vegetables for too long

Fruits and vegetables attract flies and other insects when ripe. Avoid keeping cut and ripe fruits in the fridge for a long time. While some pests, such as fruit flies, are harmless, ripe and rotten fruits can also attract larger pests such as house flies, ants, and cockroaches, which are difficult to get rid of.

 Also Read:– 5 Ways To Keep Your Office Pest Free

6. Store your garden

If you have a lawn or garden, fill in holes or wells where water can accumulate. If you have a pond or a water fountain, clean it regularly. In addition, the plants are pruned regularly to prevent thick and wild growth. Keep your garden tidy and clean to prevent unwanted pests such as mosquitoes, mice and ants.

7. Keep outside objects away

If you have a garden or lawn, you probably have furniture, shoes, buckets and other items specifically designed for gardening. Store these items outdoors and do not try to use them indoors until you clean them thoroughly. This is because bringing them unconscious can also bring many pests to the house. The same goes for toys like battery-powered cars, bicycles, etc. that your kids can use outdoors. Store them in the garage or other outdoor area and ask your children not to have them in the house.

8. Fix window sills

Attach nets to windows to keep pests such as house birds, mosquitoes, spiders and large cockroaches. These nets not only help with ventilation but also prevent pests from entering. This is a very effective way to keep pests outside your home. If glass or window panes are broken, repair them as soon as possible to prevent insects from entering. Also, check all the doors in the house and make repairs if necessary to make your measurements more efficient.

9. Discard what you do not need

An important pest control tip is to organize your home. If you have unused boxes scattered around the house and accumulate dust or toys that your children have grown up – get rid of them. These items only act as hot spots for insects and

Book an appointment with CISM Services or Call Us Today at 8210801839 for all kinds of Pest Control the most affordable prices. We are just a call away.

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